according to this release's discogs page, the release of this promo against the band's will was what led them to leave the label. but i remember kirsty telling me in an interview that she had had to beg ivo to release "clear skin" in the first place since guernica was meant to be for one-off releases only. so who knows the truth of this.
12" released by guernica in 1994.
image knicked from discogs as, frankly, i couldn't bother to get the camera out.
Thanks for this.
Thank you for this.
Wordveri: cronvag
I do love you mate!
Thanks a bunch! Such a limited and ultra-rare release that I couldn't find it anywhere else.
A gajillion thank yous for posting the mighty and underappreciated Insides/Earwig discography. Euphoria got me through coming off of heroin. Well, maybe not that, but certainly an unpleasant St. Ides hangover. Cheers.
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