remember when spoken word records were all the rage? well this here's essentially gallon drunk's go. and deliciously macabre it is, with derek raymond (aka robin cook) spitting his way through the sordid tale of dora suarez while messers johnston and edwards tinkle and honk away in the background.
the result is very much in the vein of a radio 4 play. the music stays resolutely in the background - derek's story is king here. and the gallon drunk chaps suppress their lounge/garage leanings for touches of piano or some neatly grinding organ, producing a rather elegant score. nice.
lots of crackles and bumps on this one.
lp released by clawfist in 1993.
the killer came up to the old woman without a word.
It's awesome to hear this one again, I had a tape of it back in the day. As another former tape label owner, it's good to see another one still getting people to hear cool music.
Brilliant!!! Thanks so much for posting...
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